Craniosacral massage is a method performed in order to evaluate and enhance the function of the craniosacral system. It is gentle and it involves the use of hands. As a healing therapy, craniosacral massage has many benefits.
Craniosacral Massage Therapy:
Craniosacral massage is used as a therapy to relieve many pains and disorders. This therapy was introduced by an osteopath William G. Sutherland in the early 1930s. Craniosacral massage works on the system known as the craniosacral system. This system consists of soft tissues and bones of the spine, pelvis, and of course cranium (head).
Craniosacral massage is considered to be a very gentle massage, which is done with pressure equivalent to the weight of a nickel. Sometimes, the spinal fluid in the body gets blocked due to injuries, shock, or emotional imbalance. This massage helps to remove the blockage and maintains the flow of the spinal fluid through the nervous system and other parts associated with it. Other major organs get help from this and regain their normal process. It is said to work on both physical as well as psychological aspects.
Craniosacral massage therapist gently massages your body which includes the bones, spine, pelvis, skull, and soft body tissues, and allows the spinal fluid to flow in a natural manner. It improves the resistance power of the body, the functioning of the nervous system, and enhances overall health.
The Benefits of the Craniosacral Massage:
There are many benefits of craniosacral massage as this therapy improves the functioning of the central nervous system. The craniosacral massage is especially used for prevention. It can increase the resistance to some diseases and it can prevent other medical conditions like chronic back and neck pain, headache, tension, migraine, autism, chronic fatigue, post-traumatic stress disorder, or emotional difficulties. Stress-related dysfunctions and other sensory disorders can also be treated through this therapy. Here is how a session goes. The main rule is to make yourself as comfortable as possible. The craniosacral massage sessions take place in a quiet room. The person receiving the massage remains fully clothed, but he or she may choose to wear comfortable clothes or even remove their shoes.
The Effects of the Craniosacral Massage:
The human body has the ability to heal itself. The craniosacral massage is just a method that helps the body in this process. The craniosacral system has a rhythm that passes through the whole body. Therapists monitor this rhythm by gently touching the different areas. This monitoring technique helps them identify the sources of obstruction and stress in the body. The role of the therapist is to help the craniosacral system gain its natural rhythm again, by releasing the points of restriction. Many illnesses can be assisted by craniosacral massage. Especially childhood ailments, like poor sleep, restlessness, colic, and ear infections, maybe eased through the use of this therapy.
Safety Conditions:
The craniosacral massage must be made in special conditions so it can be a safe procedure. Not everybody can use craniosacral massage as a therapy. There are illnesses that make it contra-indicated. Any ailment that can become worse because of even the slightest variation in the intracranial pressure may not be treated with craniosacral massage. Illnesses in which the craniosacral massage is not recommended include acute aneurysm, cerebral hemorrhage, or other pre-existing severe bleeding disorders. Go see your doctor before following this type of therapy to find out if it is safe for you.
Where To Find A Qualified Therapist?
If you want to enjoy all the benefits of a craniosacral massage, first you must find a therapist. He or she must be qualified and suitably trained. The craniosacral massage therapy is performed nowadays in spas, salons, and health clubs as more therapists and osteopaths are including it in their methods of treatment.
Craniosacral massage is credited with helping all sorts of maladies, from migraines to autism. The practice of this treatment was once limited to chiropractors, osteopaths, and physical therapists, but because it poses little threat to the body if done incorrectly, it is now offered at a lot of yoga centers and spas. A typical treatment lasts between 20 minutes and an hour with the client lying on his or her back while the therapist lightly touches certain spots